Friday, May 13, 2011

黄城夜韵 Chinese Drama

After watching the Chinese drama "黄城夜韵" organized by our school , I feel that it is a very good show in total. It acts out problems that can occur in our real lives. From this drama, I have learnt a lot of things. The drama was about the problems met when producing a drama.

Firstly, I have learnt not to prejudge other people or assume anything in situations before actually knowing the person or understanding the situation. In the drama, a lot of people thought that the 2 directors were in love, never taking the drama seriously and being unfair to them as they are here to produce a drama. But actually, the female director was not in love with the male director. The 2 directors often stayed up late in the night together to do the scripts for the drama. The female director, after seeing how hardworking the male director is, admired him but not love. If we prejudge a person for example based on their looks. We will ignore those with average looks but that person may be kind in heart and we might have lost a good friend.

Secondly, I learnt to think for others and not only yourself, if not your friends will leave you. In the drama, the female director always thought that only her views were correct and that the people whose expertise was at that certain area was wrong and scolded them. This even caused some of them to sign a contract with another company to work there. When your friend leaves you, it is already too late for regret. We should cherish our friends, unlike the female director in the drama.

Lastly, I learnt about the importance of teamwork and perseverance which are probably the main theme of the drama. In the end, after the people producing the drama worked together and never gave up, they finally succeeded. In life, if there is a will, there is a way, we must persevere till the end. Furthermore, teamwork is very important. A famous Chinese saying: “在家靠父母,在外靠朋友”. At home you depend on your parents, but after going outside and working, you will depend on friends. A lot of things cannot be done by one single person, but with many people together, nothing is impossible.


  1. Yes I also think that the drama is excellent. The JC Chinese Drama CCA must have spent hours on the one and a half hours for this show. But most importantly, values portrayed in the show were also equally important. I agree that one of them was to accept others' viewpoints, and also many other values.

  2. I agree with you to a great extend.

    At the point where the members in the team prejudge the female director, she was indeed very close to the male director. I believed she had actually fell for him once. However, the male director did not harbour much affection for her. I feel that (in the drama's context) the female director made a mistake for being so close to the male director. Not only had she made the people in the drama production team dislike her, she had also harm her good friend's heart.

    For your second point, a better term to describe the female director is that she was selfish. She thought that she was a director and she must always be right. This idea is closely related to the proverb "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Since she was the director, she has the authority to decide what materials the drama should include. However, this female director may not have an expertise for certain aspects in the drama. Therefore, she should listen to others advice and not solely following her own instincts.

    As you have mentioned, perseverance and teamwork are very importing in ensuring success in almost every task in the world. We learnt these values when we were very young and the drama explains the importance of perseverance and teamwork.

    All in all, I feel that this drama is closely related to times during adolescence. Many youths faces stress, conflicts with friends and other difficulties when they are during their youths. Even some of the contents in the drama preparation in the performance show examples of stress such as youths attempting to commit suicide. I agree that people faces a lot of turbulence during their youths. But it is also the chapter in their lives when these people learn many essential skills and important values that may affect their future.
