Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blog Prompt

How has learning about newsworthiness and types of news articles (straight news articles and feature articles in different sections of the newspaper) affected the way you read newspapers?

After learning about newsworthiness, I realised that broadsheets may not be so boring and unreliable after all, as I always thought that broadsheets were propogandas and were bias to one side or that it is very boring and reports about unimportant news. But, I found out that broadsheets can be interesting, especially those with titles that catches my attention and that sometimes, it can contain feature articles(not always straight news articles). Broadsheets are important and may report important events like the recent Japan earthquake which has a huge impact on our lives (one factor of newsworthiness) . Furthermore, days which the newspaper reported articles that were boring were usually because they had nothing to write about. Thus, I after learning about newsworthiness and types of news articles, I do not only read tabloids which contains a lot of feature articles, but also read some of the broadsheets.

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