Sunday, January 23, 2011

Prejudice in real life

Have you ever been part of a group of people that were unkind to one or more individuals? Describe the circumstances. What caused you to behave the way you did? How did you feel then? How do you feel about the circumstances / events in retrospect?

There was a guy in 1i2 last year. He seemed friendly for the first week of school(no lessons) but after that, he became very weird. He was often late and sometimes even skipped school, we often laughed and teased him when he came. At first, I did not had such a bad impression of him but I was influenced by my classmates and avoided him like a 3-year old child often pretending to be a sniper holding a rifle making shooting and reloading noises or a wizard with magical powers able to hypnotise people. We then started giving him names, he seemed sleepy everyday and often slept in class which led to bad results.

In the later part of the year, he skipped school more frequently and finally did not come back. We then found out that he was addicted to computer games and slept very late in the night thus he had no energy for the next day.

I think that we should not have discriminated him but instead, try to help him get rid of his addiction. I feel that our discrimination had led him to not coming back to school for the last half year and I regret it. If only we had not done that and put ourselves in his shoes, he might be a normal student like all of us...

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